Saturday, September 19, 2009

Bullpup Sniper Rifle

Bullpup, for those who do not know, is a configuration where the clip of the weapon is placed behind the trigger, allowing for a shorter weapon and greater bullet travel. Let's say you have a FAMAS. It's about 30 inches, and the barrel is about 20 inches; the clip is located at the far rear, allowing the rifle to be short, but the barrel to still allow signifigant range.
Now, this may seem like a great idea, but there are some cons you should know about.
First, rifles with bullpup are harder to load and reload, as you have to reach back behind the grip, dump the clip, and pop another one back in, as opposed to simply moving your hand a few inches back to grab the clip when in standard.
Second, when using a bullpup rifle as a melee weapon, you run the risk of damaging the internal components of the stock in which the ammunition feed is located, increasing the possibility of malfunction.
And finally, the bullpup configuration is more expensive than the standard, because it is considered "odd" and therefore special machinery is needed.

Has anyone ever considered a bullpup sniper rifle, though?

How effective would this be? Think about it. The rifle could be standard length, but have a bullpup, say, .308 clip. Of course, these rifles already exist, in .223, but with some manipulation, one might be able to make one hell of a rifle.

Another project for my garage, eh?

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